Upscale All Types of Anime Art to 4K with VideoProc Converter AI

Powered by advanced neural networks and trained on millions of anime materials, VideoProc's Super Resolution feature helps upscale anime images and videos by 2x, 4x, and 8x without any quality loss. Enhance your favorite anime with a single click for a sharper, crisper finish!

Reject Any Compromise with Low-Quality Anime

For different Anime materials, VideoProc always provides you with the most suitable AI upscaling solution:

  • Upscale low-res/old anime images to 4K/8K/10K with 3+ AI models: "Gen Detail", "Real Smooth", or "Anime"
  • Effortlessly enhance the sharpness, clarity, and details of the anime videos, bringing them to 4K Hollywood-Grade
  • Elevate AI art from MJ/SD with a one-stop solution - including deblur, denoise, dejpeg, and pixel-level upscale
  • All AI Upscaling features support GPU acceleration, maximizing processing efficiency, with just a click
  • Maximize Details
  • No Oversharpen
  • Artifact- Free Upscaling
  • New Model: Gen Detail

    Suitable for anime types with high demand for fine details.

  • New Model: Real Smooth

    Restore original anime quality, clearer and brighter.

  • New Model: Anime

    Focused on restoring old and blurry anime quality.

  • Gen Detail
  • Real Smooth
  • Anime

Specific Steps for Anime Image/Video Upscaling

  • STEP 1


    Go to Super Resolution, import your anime files by dragging or clicking the +/Add.

  • STEP 2

    Upscale & Enhance

    Choose upscale mode according to your material type, and select a Scale/Enhance option.

  • STEP 3


    Change the default output format and folder if necessary, and hit RUN to start exporting.

Answer All Your Anime-Related Concerns

  • Create epic 300/480FPS slo-mo anime

    Remove lags and enhance your slow-mo anime storytelling. AI Frame Interpolation seamlessly fills gaps between frames, ensuring smooth video flow from start to finish.

  • Download every highlight you adore

    Batch download 1080P/4K anime videos from popular platforms like YouTube, Bilibili, Niconico, Twitter, and more. No need to worry about ads or slow speeds.

  • Streamline anime edits for ease

    Effortlessly craft compelling anime stories with VideoProc's Quick Edit. Trim, split, remove distractions, and highlight the best moments to captivate your audience.

Fulfill More of Your Needs in VideoProc

  • Import/Export to any
    format you need

    Easily play/use anime footage, regardless of its format, with any player or platform.

  • Make anime Memes
    & Gifs with ease

    Customize anime to your heart's content. Add text, crop, or combine two GIFs side by side.

  • Anti-Privacy

    Safeguard your privacy. With local processing, your images will never leave your device.

Over 4 million happy users worldwide

Recommended by Major Tech Media

"VideoProc Converter is an all-in-one application that combines DVD/video conversion along with important editing features needed to turn video footage into polished, quality output you can be proud of."

"VideoProc Converter is your all-in-one tool for trimming, editing, converting and compressing videos. It does all these tasks surprisingly & quickly thanks to its support for all types of Hardware Acceleration."

"With VideoProc Converter, you can convert videos, audio files and DVDs to over 420 output formats. VideoProc Converter uses full GPU acceleration, which enables it to process even 4k videos quickly, without compromising quality."

VideoProc Converter AI

Enhance • convert • edit • record • download

Enhance the resolution of anime video/images to 4K/8K/10K with one click, maximizing the quality of anime wallpapers, prints, AI art, and low-res anime. Accurately distinguishing noise from texture, it preserves all details. Experience exceptional quality enhancement for your beloved anime!

Digiarty Software, established in 2006, pioneers multimedia innovation with AI-powered and GPU-accelerated solutions. With the mission to "Art Up Your Digital Life", Digiarty provides AI video/image enhancement, editing, conversion, and more solutions. VideoProc under Digiarty has attracted 4.6 million users from 180+ countries.

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